Monday, July 29, 2013

“Why don’t Black people care when Blacks kill other Blacks?”

This is for those people (White, Black and everyone else) who ask the question “Why don’t Black people care when Blacks kill other Blacks?”
Black people are just as hurt and angry when Black men and women die from gang, domestic and random violence, as we are when racist police officers, “neighborhood watchmen” and ordinary racists murder us.
1.     If you are relying on the media to tell you that, you will never see it. They have no stake in Black Love and Black Self-reliance.
2.  If you are not around Black organizations or Black people (if you don’t know the people who know) – you will stay ignorant!
In response to this question “Why don’t Black people care when Blacks kill other Blacks?” I say this:  “We DO. Why don’t YOU care?”  It seems that this question is ONLY raised when Black people voice our anger over unjustified, racist murders.
If YOU really cared, then you would know about the organizations that exist to stop the senseless, every day murders of Black people by Black people:
1. You would know the names of these organizations, when and where they meet and the members of these organizations.
2. You would go to their meetings.
3.  You would ask them, “What can I do to help?”
4.  You would donate your time and resources.
5.  You would ask the media, “Why don’t you write/broadcast anything about these organizations on a REGULAR basis?” and you would demand coverage of these issues!
If you don’t have the time and/or resources to do any of the five previous steps, do these: 1) Don’t assume that we “don’t care” about the matter (because not only do you make an ass of yourself, you truly show your ignorance, misconceptions and prejudices) and then 2) Don’t wait to see something on CNN, MSNBC or BET for that matter. Reach out to Black people who can explain our viewpoints. In this tech-savvy age, you have access to a variety of people and resources. I personally welcome any sincere conversations.
AND…so you know there are a variety of organizations in Kansas City that work against violence in our community. Among them are:  the Ad Hoc Group Against Violence (shout out to Mr. Brooks!), Stop the Violence KC, Mothers in Charge and each of the historically Black Greek Letter Organizations. Forgive me if I forgot anyone!

If you really wanted an answer to “Why don’t Black people care when Blacks kill other Blacks?” you got your answer! Simply put…WE DO!

If wanted to cause trouble, disguise your personal prejudices behind and/or deflect attention from the fact that racism is alive and well in the U.S., you are truly one sad individual! 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Welcome to my blog!

Before you read any further, please know that (at some point) there is a good chance that your feelings may get hurt! Anyone who knows me knows that I call it like I see it. While I have gotten a little more “polished” in my older age, I will always tell you the truth…and sometimes it hurts!

Now that my P.S.A. is out of the way… here’s a little more about me. I’m a father, a husband, a son, a brother and an uncle. I’m also an educator and a social commentator (I just don’t get paid for my commentary…yet!). Most of all, I’m an ordinary man with above average intelligence, a smidge of arrogance, a blog and a lot to say.

Thanks for visiting and come back soon. You might learn something!